As I arrived at the point, the entrance was blocked by Agents working for ASU. With cool calm I told them I was meeting a graduate student to turn in an assignment. The key is to look confident, but not suspicious. For a brief moment I thought my cover was blown, but my associate (an 17 month-old baby) caused a distraction allowing us to be waved through.
We exited our vehicle and casually kept a lookout for Munk. We ID’d him and provided cover. He was able to approach our command vehicle and the transaction was made. With all haste we returned to our command vehicle and left the area.
Mission Olivetti: COMPLETED

For my tastes, the touch is a little stiff. This particular machine may be the origin of this problem. I did adjust the tension under the ribbon cover. That seemed to ease things up, but I am use to the Royal’s action. The spacebar is a hair too thin. I have large thumbs that need a little room. Obviously, in Italy, no one has fat thumbs.
I don't want anyone to think that the negatives outweigh the positives. That's not the case. It's a wonderful machine. I know everyone is looking forward to having it used in the classroom.
This was supposed to be a typecast, but a sleeping baby has made that an impossibility. That's fine. A sleeping baby is better than a crying baby.
This was supposed to be a typecast, but a sleeping baby has made that an impossibility. That's fine. A sleeping baby is better than a crying baby.