Monday, January 6, 2014

November Lecture Notes

I promised Dr. Polt that the next post would be about my November Lecture. I am the type of lecturer where I create an outline and go from there. It's a by-product of the extemporaneous nature of teaching.

I divided the lecture into two three parts. The first part was a overviews of the Typewriter Renaissance and how it came to be. I spent some time talking about the origins and influences of the movement. The second part was devoted to the CTP and what I have done with typewriters in education. I shared the results of the original experiment and the inventories that came later. I drew some interesting conclusions about student metacognition. This was the largest part of the lecture. The final part was a small survey of the typewriters on display. I picked out some of the more interesting choices and shared their history and importance in the great chain of typewriter being.

I probably should have recorded the thing, but it was nice to be in the moment and not worry about a camera.

Friday, January 3, 2014

2013 Review: A Long, Slow Slide

My fortune cookie said that the year ahead would bring new experiences. Before I prepare for the new take a look at what happened in the previous year:













I reviewed my posts from the last year. The frequency with which I have posted has slowed to a little more than once a week. All this year I have been a little stuck and that has come out in my work. It was a long, slow slide to blah. I tried my hand at vlogging, but I found it to be too time consuming and being in front of the camera was not what I wanted. I tried to walk through a typewriter restoration, but I ran out of steam somewhere in the middle. The USB typewriter worked, but I wasn't bowled over by the experience of making it. Lackluster. That would be the summation of by blogging year. 

Even though I waded hip-deep into a treacly morass there were some bright spots. The NBC story was fun. I enjoyed the process of turning my blog into a book. I made some funny images. I had that awesome display and lecture.

With the bad there is good. New days are ahead. I hope that you have enjoyed every fun-packed bit that MM 2013 had to offer. Now we can move onto 2014.