Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Fuji, Save FP-100C!

If you are a lover of the analog, this story will darken your heart. Fuji has decided to end production of their last pull-apart film, FP-100C.

If you have a pack film Polaroid, you know how wonderful this film is. I've even used it for a few typewriter-themed posts.

I think Fuji is crazy, but they cite economic reasons. It's a compelling argument, Fuji, but you are the last manufacturer of this technology. Maybe you could raise the price a little. I'd pay. The Impossible Project seems able to keep milking the hipster gravy train*. Do that, but with better film.

I signed the petition. You should too.

* I am the Pablo Picasso of mixed metaphors.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Take Dictation, Please

For much of the 20th century dictation was a fairly low-tech affair. Someone would write down what someone said and then type it up on a really nice Royal HH. Well, if we were living in some sort of weird future we might have a machine like this:
There have been many typewriter/solenoid mashups that do their best to bring the typewriter and computer together. To my thinking there hasn't been one that makes me smile as much as this one posted to Zip Zaps YouTube channel.
The build includes a Pololu Maestro servo controller, some servos, an Arduino, and Windows' voice recognition software. I think it's very nicely done and seeing it in action definitely makes you smile.