Tuesday, September 20, 2011


This Sears Manual 1 ribbon cover is almost nearly, but not quite entirely unlike an Olivetti Valentine when painted red; as you can see in the before and after.

See, just like a Valentine. I've been using Valspar's plastic-bonding spray paint for pieces like this. It really seems to bond well to the plastic. Time will tell how it stacks up to use and abuse.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Full Disclosure: I attended a parochial grade school in the early 1980s. Our school still used spirit duplicators because they were still very cheap to operate. I'm not that old.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Podcast Interview and Odds & Ends

It's not every day two teachers who love typewriters get the chance to talk. I had the fortune to be interviewed for an upcoming episode of The Tightwad Teacher. This podcast focuses on how to cheaply integrate technology into a classroom setting. I was contacted by John, one of the hosts, who also has a fondness for typewriters. It was a really interesting conversation and as soon as the episode becomes available I'll post a link to it on the sidebar.

The CTP is slowly making typewriters a thing at Alhambra High School. The school library is now home to a working Royal FP in minty green. A few days ago the librarian, Tim, came to me and said that he had a typewriter that wasn't quite working. He asked me to take a look at it and after a few minutes oiling the Magic Margin (our namesake), cleaning the type, and winding a new ribbon, the Alhambra Library is rocketing strait into the retro future. Tim cleared a small place out on a built-in counter and there it sits, proudly, waiting for the type-clack of creative fingers. The CTP salutes Tim and his efforts!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Zephyr De Luxe

This pre-WWII ultra-portable is the newest acquisition for my personal collection.

Sure, it's missing the paper support with the De Luxe decal. Sure, the ribbon covers are  nowhere to be found. Sure, it was a little scratched up, but after new felt, a bit of cleaning, and bending the type into alignment it's a fun little typer.

The insides were quite clean and only needed sweeping out with a brush.

As with all old Coronas, the felt pads were gross and smelled like death's cologne.

The Zephyr has an interesting body shell. As you can see, it is one piece where the frame slides out the back. This makes for a terrible time when you want to take the frame out for cleaning or oiling. The upper row of keytops needs to be depressed while while you slide the frame out. It's very tricky and hardly for the ham-fisted among us. The Skyriter refines this by making the case much simpler to remove at the expense of the sophisticated Zephyr's lines.

While not the best typer (hollow sound often ghosting characters), the Zephyr/Skyriter line is becoming my favorite ultra-portable typewriter. They have a simple and charming nature about them. They tend to be fairly rugged and easy to work on. They are not nearly as foppish as the minty-green Rocket. Take that Hermes fans! They are honest typewriters. Really, you could consider them the Mickey Roony of typewriters; fun, a classic American, and small.

Separated at Birth

Monday, September 5, 2011

Computer Canard

My classroom technology set-up is pretty basic. I have an LCD projector, a computer (which works very nearly all the time), and speaker installed in the ceiling. Overall, it's fairly standard when it comes to technology in the classroom. Some classrooms have SmartBoards, but I am not one of the chosen. Anyway, I tend to shy away from slide-show presentations because I think they are boring. I do use them occasionally. Mostly, the projector is used to throw graphic organizers and other visuals on the screen. It serves the same function as an old overhead projector with acetate transparencies. I do have about 12 computers in my room, but they are used for my Yearbook and Newspaper classes and are not used by the lion's share of students who come through my door.

The technology has been...acceptable. Sometimes it works well. Sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes I have to spend 5 minutes fidgeting with some cable or settings while my students chat. Sometimes I want to punch Microsoft Windows 7 in the face. Teaching isn't a very easy job and when the tools on which you rely don't work properly it makes things all the more difficult. We do have boffins who are happy to come and fix things, but you can only contact them through our Brazil-like on-line help ticketing system. 

It's not a great situation, but things are starting to become much worse. Technology is creeping into the new Common Core standards for Language Arts and Mathematics. In addition to teaching critical thinking, language, grammar, literary analysis, I am supposed to teach basic computer literacy.

Computers and their applications are becoming the new silver-bullet in education. School districts like the Kyrene Elementary District-- a suburban school district outside Phoenix--  have invested heavily in one-to-one laptops, Smart Boards, and expensive educational software that would make the learning environment more valuable. You can read a really great article about it at this link. Policy-makers and reformers have a positive gut-reaction to computers. Everyone believes that they enhance learning environments. Computers are interactive and engaging. However, there has been no conclusive evidence that computers do what the reformers claim. Larry Cuban, Education Professor Emeritus at Stanford University has stated that there has been no evidence to support that huge investments in technology translate into higher student achievement. The idea that technology can fix what ails us is a canard continued by companies that have a vested interest in nation-wide educational technology integration.

La Belle Époque depiction of a school in the year 2000.

Do parents want their children to be taught with computers who feel nothing or by people who care? Is a school an information factory or are they places where we share our cultural values? Can technology ever be bad?

What absolutely must be done is technology needs to be evaluated based on its efficacy and not its modernity. That is where the CTP comes in. I firmly believe that there is nothing wrong with pen, paper, typewriters, conversations, and the mind. Replacing any of these things with a computer hurts far more than it can ever help.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Small Update

Finding time this week to do a blog update has been a challenge. Last Thursday was Open House and I had the opportunity to meet many of my student's parents. The parents had a chance to met the typewriters. In addition to nostalgic reminiscences there was an overwhelmingly positive response to the Classroom Typewriter Project. So many parents popped in and said, "It's the typewriter guy!" There are certainly worse things to be called.

The ribbons are in the machines and they are a resounding success. We had a chance to use them today. Many of my students never used one before, so this was an entirely novel experience for them. I can easily imagine the conversation around the table at the end of the school day:

     "So, what happened at school today?"
     "Nothing. I used a typewriter in class today.
     "What year are you in?"

The CTP: Facilitating unusual dinner-time conversations since 2010.

Monday, August 22, 2011

You Will Be Jealous!

The new school librarian came into my room today with 3 dozen of something every typewriter user needs:

New in blister-pack. Only the packaging plastic is yellowed.

According to the packaging each little clip can make over 1200 corrections. For three dozen 12 tab packages, that would be 24,000 corrections. Well, I'm set for a month.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Fun: Texas Border Style

Decorated parade wagon sponsored by Royal Typewriter.
The Robert Runyon Photograph Collection,
courtesy of The Center for American History,
The University of Texas at Austin.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Green With Envy

I must be getting better at painting typewriters because this one took far less time that I anticipated. The celery green really is the balm that sooths my ire over not being able to find a nice mint HH.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

What's It Worth To Ya?

Craft people fascinate me. They have such a good eye for color and whimsy. That's why I like to browse through Etsy. Some things are a little over-priced, but it's nice to know that someone's not going to snipe your auction. Jerks. Anyway, I was looking around typewriters and Etsy seller Meedily has this typewriter for sale:

Hosted by Etsy. 
The list price is $399.00 with $51 for shipping. I love Royal HHs. They are my favorite typewriters and I have always wanted one of them in color. They are rare, but are they $450 rare? I would never deny someone some well-earned money, but I think that the price is just too high for a desktop machine. (My own HH was just $18) What do you think? Fair price or a little on the high side?

While doing some chores I started thinking about a value book. My wife and I have been collecting Heywood-Wakefield for many years and the price guide gives a good idea as to the real rarity of a piece. Moreover, the price guide offers a good starting point for how to tell a deal from a rip-off. It would be really useful to have something like this for the typewriter collecting community. When you are trying to negotiate a price it's helpful if you and the seller have a good idea as to the real value of an machine. So, someone, get working on that, please.

Friday, August 12, 2011

'Still, On the Wall' or 'Not Without My Record Book'

Written on one of the Hermes 3000 twins. The touch was a little stiff (note the absent 'd' from Richard's name), but worked loose with a little use.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Dealer Decals

Here are my contributions to the little dealer decals:

?????? Typewriter: Adding Machine Supplies
Green Bay, Wis.

Bishop Buisness Equipment Co.
Omaha, Nebr.
Even on the prarie, you need a typewriter.

Bishop's Business Machines
Phoenix, AZ
I assume no relation to the Bishops in Omaha, Nebr.

Black Eye

A gift from Tom Furrier to complete this Corona. I'm sure it'll heal and go back to the lovely maroon color.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Finish Line

After a serious amount of work I can say that the typewriter collection has been displayed. Now comes the task of outfitting the whole lot with typewriter ribbons. Actually, that is one thing that is currently missing. I don't have any ribbons. Allegedly, some were ordered last year by the outgoing department chair. However there is currently one pallet of supplies still missing and I think this is where the ribbons might be. While I hunt for these ribbons please enjoy these photos of all the typewriters. All-in-all it's an impressive sight.

This is a corner filled with cases and junk. I am looking
for some storage space for these things.

Ahhh. That's the ticket!

That's right, Erasmus. You watch over those typers!

1960s Row.

Left End, 1960s Row.

An entirely novel use for a broken Remette.

Serious. Serious. Serious. Gaudy.

Another interesting use for some old typers.

I found this wonderful stand under a terrible
electric typewriter. I haven't had a chance to
clean it.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Getting Ready

This was going to be a typecast, but this week has been devoted to staff meetings and getting my new classroom set up. With all the new typewriters I have had to re-think storage for this school year. If money was no object I would have something made, but that is a dream. So, I had a look at what IKEA had to offer. Surprisingly, there was a shelving system that fit the bill and was under the 100 dollar mark.

This is what it looks like assembled. It's very utilitarian (i.e. charmless) but it will get the job done. With all the typewriters organized it will be an impressive sight.

$70 and room to grow.

Don't worry. You won't be alone for long.

See, some friends.
With any luck everything will be wrapped up by Friday ready for the students to return.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

More Typers

A couple more have been cleaned and made ready for school on August 8th.

This Remington Quiet-Riter (ran out of Ws) had a problem with shifted letters. The capitals were a little higher than the base of the lower case letters. It gave the impression that this typewriter was suffering a nervous breakdown. All I had to do was adjust this little screw and everything was solved!

The Area of Concern .
Detail of The Screw.

I also had time to clean up this Underwood Leader. The leader is definitely an economy typer. I'll have more to say on this one soon.